Hourly Comic Day 2013
Today is not only Boumeries’ second birthday, it’s also Hourly Comic Day! I’ll be updating once an hour with a comic that tells of my daily activities. Check back often!
Alright — this is it for me! I can hardly bend over my table to draw anymore, so I’ll call it a day. Thanks everyone for reading, and see you back on Monday with regular updates!
Hooray for twitter telling me about this! I shall read and LOL at everyone of them. Not that I havent already at all your others :) Looking forward to it!
I really enjoy the fact that you draw every pannel even if the image is the same. It makes it a lot more dynamic!
I’ve long suspected that coffee wasn’t food.
Hourly Comic Day! And I am only 2 strips in :D Also: Happy birthday!
Haha, loving these strips! Wow, you managed to make them look all professional, while mine look like random child-like scribblings in a notebook.
Thanks! Remember though that I’m not working at the moment, so I got all the free time in the world to do these. :B
Back from school and six new comics! Yay! =D
Love it! I wish I wasn’t working today, this would be a great way for me to stop making excuses about finally doing a web comic. Instead, when I’m done with work, I’ll start reading yours from the beginning :)
Aw geeze, thanks!
J’ai passé ma soirée d’hier à lire du début. Better than TV I say! :) Love these all day comic…
Oh merci beaucoup!!
“punching my bladder, of course”
told you. bladders are baby kicks and punch magnets, its sort of adorable though.
My cousin (having twins) understands how you feel right now.
Your face in the last panel of “Dinner” makes me want to cry. ;w;
Yeah that’s why the aniversaries are so specials thanks Boum
it gets me everytime, its too cute.
Bravo!! Belle journée de comic! :P Bonne nuit!!!
Merci! Toi aussi, hihi
The last comic is me whenever I have to study… I try to do it, but in the end I am just like “Nope, I cannot do this >_<"
Hmm… That reminds me… I should be doing an assignment right now… XD
I fell asleep just before the last comic. Yay~! =3 I’m glad I didn’t miss much. Thanks for doing this Boum!!
I have no idea if I am the only European here, but I need to tell you that this crazy awesome swedish/japanese guy who looks like a hot anime character went straight to the finals in a swedish music competition. If you want to check him out PICTURES:https://www.google.fi/search?hl=fi&gs_rn=2&gs_ri=hp&tok=08jM7TniKGnFEb72RdW3_w&cp=2&gs_id=6&xhr=t&q=Yohio&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.41867550,d.bGE&biw=1680&bih=906&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=OX4NUY7ZD-TE4gSszoHQCw
just spreading some news…
Impeccable timing and punchline in the “Oh, you want dinner now” strip :D You managed to make a lot of the strips really funny (for example, the Scanning and Mustard comics).
I really enjoyed following the frequent updates during Hourly Comic Day too… Also, I can’t believe that I hadn’t commented on this before now!
Aww geeze! Thanks :D
No, thank YOU :D
The “Mustard” and “Egg” comics–I can TOTALLY relate to that (got diagnosed with gestational diabetes myself a week ago). Taking in half the calories now because of this damn diabetes diet, and the baby is sucking all of those calories up, leaving me with no energy….UGH.
Hang in there! It gets better as you get used to it. I barely even think about GD now.
HAH! Good one