Oh wow, yeah. Even as a nurse I would get scared shitless over this. I can only imagine for anyone not in the health care field. Glad it was just a small cut though!
SO. MANY. TIMES. The Er and my kids were on a first name basis by the time they grew up, and we lived in a big city with many ER’s. (We only used one, the local children’s hospital.) I used to get called home from work to take one of them to the ER. Only once was it serious and that one didn’t bleed much. Head wounds are the worst though. You get one little scratch and then it’s blood everywhere!
I’ve seen pictures from a friend with a toddler with a tendency to get nosebleeds. It’s… kind of terrifying! Glad you’re recording some of these stories though, it’ll be much easier to laugh with them about them in ten or fifteen years. :D
oh yes, very much yes! Except when my kiddo was a tot, it was nose bleeds, and when she’d come to me to have it dealt with she’d be super quiet and covered in the stuff. Like one second she’s not there and I think she’s asleep for a nap, and the next there she is, covered head to toe cause she smeared it everywhere. She’d never cry about about it either until I’d pick her up, and wash her off and check to see if her nose was still bleeding. First time it happened gave me such a fright. ^^;
Heck, it’s terrifying when your cat does it, I can’t imagine what it’s like to see your kid covered in blood. My cat jumped from a windowsill to the floor, which was hardwood and he cut his paw on a wood splinter. He tracked blood from one room to the other, onto the coffee table, all over some paperwork (cute little cat pawprints…in blood), all over the floor in that room and then into the fireplace. This was an old building with old fireplaces, they didn’t have barriers to the fireplace, it was all open with just a grate to hold the logs. The cat would sometimes walk into the fireplace because it was just a nook to him. So I had bloody footprints mixed with ash, the cat covered in ash and blood, it was horrifying. His paw was so covered in blood I couldn’t find the source of it. It stopped bleeding on the drive to the vet, I could have just stayed home but we were already there. At least they cleaned it so he didn’t get infected.
As a kid, about 6, was playing around old cars with my 3yo brother, he stuck his head in the trunk of a car (I did not know he was there) I jumped off roof of car onto the trunk’s lid, slamming it down (spare tire in way so it didn’t actually close or even get close) brother nicked his chin on frame and I thought I’d cut his head almost all the way off he was bleeding so bad (no shirt, blood ALL over his torso)… mom freaked the F out… and I kept having nightmares like twisting his arm and somehow it’s only hanging by a piece of skin and I’m begging him not to tell on me… how would you like to be MY mom? *evil grin* now you’ll have even worse dreams, mwahahahahaha
I once had a small cut on my finger as a child and blood was going everywhere, my mom rushed me to the doctor thinking I cut a vein open, was a paper cut. XD
Oh wow, yeah. Even as a nurse I would get scared shitless over this. I can only imagine for anyone not in the health care field. Glad it was just a small cut though!
SO. MANY. TIMES. The Er and my kids were on a first name basis by the time they grew up, and we lived in a big city with many ER’s. (We only used one, the local children’s hospital.) I used to get called home from work to take one of them to the ER. Only once was it serious and that one didn’t bleed much. Head wounds are the worst though. You get one little scratch and then it’s blood everywhere!
I’ve seen pictures from a friend with a toddler with a tendency to get nosebleeds. It’s… kind of terrifying! Glad you’re recording some of these stories though, it’ll be much easier to laugh with them about them in ten or fifteen years. :D
oh yes, very much yes! Except when my kiddo was a tot, it was nose bleeds, and when she’d come to me to have it dealt with she’d be super quiet and covered in the stuff. Like one second she’s not there and I think she’s asleep for a nap, and the next there she is, covered head to toe cause she smeared it everywhere. She’d never cry about about it either until I’d pick her up, and wash her off and check to see if her nose was still bleeding. First time it happened gave me such a fright. ^^;
Then she joined a metal band.
Heck, it’s terrifying when your cat does it, I can’t imagine what it’s like to see your kid covered in blood. My cat jumped from a windowsill to the floor, which was hardwood and he cut his paw on a wood splinter. He tracked blood from one room to the other, onto the coffee table, all over some paperwork (cute little cat pawprints…in blood), all over the floor in that room and then into the fireplace. This was an old building with old fireplaces, they didn’t have barriers to the fireplace, it was all open with just a grate to hold the logs. The cat would sometimes walk into the fireplace because it was just a nook to him. So I had bloody footprints mixed with ash, the cat covered in ash and blood, it was horrifying. His paw was so covered in blood I couldn’t find the source of it. It stopped bleeding on the drive to the vet, I could have just stayed home but we were already there. At least they cleaned it so he didn’t get infected.
As a kid, about 6, was playing around old cars with my 3yo brother, he stuck his head in the trunk of a car (I did not know he was there) I jumped off roof of car onto the trunk’s lid, slamming it down (spare tire in way so it didn’t actually close or even get close) brother nicked his chin on frame and I thought I’d cut his head almost all the way off he was bleeding so bad (no shirt, blood ALL over his torso)… mom freaked the F out… and I kept having nightmares like twisting his arm and somehow it’s only hanging by a piece of skin and I’m begging him not to tell on me… how would you like to be MY mom? *evil grin* now you’ll have even worse dreams, mwahahahahaha
I once had a small cut on my finger as a child and blood was going everywhere, my mom rushed me to the doctor thinking I cut a vein open, was a paper cut. XD
alors qu’as-tu fait, qu’arrive-t-il ensuite
Ben, j’ai eu peur mais je l’ai nettoyée!