Guest Comic: Epic
A long overdue Technicolor guest comic from Cab, just in time to let me refuel after Saturday’s All Day Comics Day! Visit Cab’s Tumblr, Twitter, deviantART or portfolio!
By the way, if you find the comic too small to read, hop here for a bigger resolution.
If you haven’t stopped by here during the weekend, you might’ve missed twenty strips for the aforementioned All Day Comics Day (come to think of it — that day alone is almost equivalent to two months’ worth of updates!). Hit the previous button above or click here!
You should make a Boumeries tumblr!
You think so? I already have so many accounts to keep track of :(
oh yeah… those were the times… final fantasy, chrono trigger (kurono toriga XD), Secret of mana, secret of evermore (music by jeremy soule OMG), the trilogy games soul blazer, illusion of time (a.k.a illusion of gaia), and terranigma… the last game, terranigma, it was only available in europe and i was SO lucky to play it, everytime i listen the music i get raped by nostalgia (and because the game itself is kinda depressing sometimes)
this remastered song of the game is my favorite one, from all the games that i ever played terranigma have been the one that influenced me the most with all the diverse meanings and messages it holds, be it the classic messages of life and death, peace, love and friendship, struggle, hard work, suffering, pain, sacrifice, sadness and world itself as you travel through the world from the times when there are only animals and then see the progress of humankind from middle ages to modernity, i think i extended myself too much sorry XP, and i might sound annoying but for the people that havent heard of it i recommend high to try this game even if its a ROM.
All the games you’ve named I did play, except Terranigma XD Ah man, Soul Blazer! I never owned the game but rented it and loved it, never got my hands on it again.
Terranigma sounds complex!
Great artists seem to attract one another =3
it is at some points, but everything gets easy to understand sooner or later, easy gameplay, music and story, so love it or hate it that game is a must try. (on a side note… sephirot have a rape face on cloud… .-.)
Aaaaaaaaah je suis tellement avec vous. Je me souviens d’un CD que je m’étais gravé et que j’écoutais dans mon auto… Il contenait la finale de FF6, un superbe midi de 21 minutes… J’en avait les yeux plein d’eau à chaque fois, tellement qu’il fallait que je change la toune parce que je voyais plus rien.
A rape face?? Haha
Haha c’est ben cute ton affaire! Ce que la nostalgie peut faire, hein…
I think it would be a good way to reach new fans and just to get the word out in general about your shenanigans.
Hmmm… I’ll think about it. :)