You’re the second one in like five minutes to notice she looks like Edna Mode. It wasn’t intentional, but that lady did have that look! But she was too tall to be Edna, sorry.
Unfortunately after year 1, everything is pink and frilly for girls, blue and chunky for boys. I’m lucky since my daughter adores ‘girly’ things so it makes the selection easier.
I had a baby around the same time you did. Before we found out we were having a boy I tried finding gender neutral stuff and had THE HARDEST TIME! It was super annoying! I also hated that most newborn boys stuff is almost all safari related or Winnie the Pooh. I was tempted to put him in girls clothes just because the choices for boys was so limited and there was nothing gender neutral. :/ Now that he’s almost a year old I am finding cute things but they’re NEVER in his size. Can’t win!
I’m still kinda relieved it’s not only a problem with girl clothes. I think the major issue is that there isn’t enough boy clothing available and there’s a ton of girl clothing but it’s all pink and shiny and sparkly and frilly. *sigh*
What drives me nuts is when I had my daughter I wanted cupcake or Hello Kitty stuff(we both like pink and sparkly lol). Couldn’t find that kind of thing anywhere. I just had a boy and NOW they have cupcakes and Hello Kitty. UGH! Now if I have a girl again they’ll bring out the cool aliens and guitar stuff for boys. But girls clothing does have a lot more options, even if it’s mostly pink and girly. Everywhere I go to shop the boys section is a tiny corner and the rest of it’s girls stuff. I need to learn how to sew. :/
I have a daughter a few weeks younger than Margot (actually found you through the BabyCenter forums and reading ever since!) and yes, it is hard to find anything not super girly! I feel your pain.
The Customer is Always Right — except when it comes to wanting gender neutral items. (Then your only choices seem to be the Pink Ghetto or the Blue Ghetto.)
Totally unisex!
Is that Edna from the incredibles? She should have more style than that!
You’re the second one in like five minutes to notice she looks like Edna Mode. It wasn’t intentional, but that lady did have that look! But she was too tall to be Edna, sorry.
Ugh, it’s the worst. It’s a tidal wave of institutionalized sexism that you literally cannot overcome. It’s immense.
Unfortunately after year 1, everything is pink and frilly for girls, blue and chunky for boys. I’m lucky since my daughter adores ‘girly’ things so it makes the selection easier.
I had a baby around the same time you did. Before we found out we were having a boy I tried finding gender neutral stuff and had THE HARDEST TIME! It was super annoying! I also hated that most newborn boys stuff is almost all safari related or Winnie the Pooh. I was tempted to put him in girls clothes just because the choices for boys was so limited and there was nothing gender neutral. :/ Now that he’s almost a year old I am finding cute things but they’re NEVER in his size. Can’t win!
I’ve got a few pairs of good shoes that are not super girly. I can keep them aside for her if you want! What size is she now?
I’m still kinda relieved it’s not only a problem with girl clothes. I think the major issue is that there isn’t enough boy clothing available and there’s a ton of girl clothing but it’s all pink and shiny and sparkly and frilly. *sigh*
Oh! That would be awesome, but only if it doesn’t clog your closet space. Margot’s a size 4 right now. Thank you ;_;
What drives me nuts is when I had my daughter I wanted cupcake or Hello Kitty stuff(we both like pink and sparkly lol). Couldn’t find that kind of thing anywhere. I just had a boy and NOW they have cupcakes and Hello Kitty. UGH! Now if I have a girl again they’ll bring out the cool aliens and guitar stuff for boys. But girls clothing does have a lot more options, even if it’s mostly pink and girly. Everywhere I go to shop the boys section is a tiny corner and the rest of it’s girls stuff. I need to learn how to sew. :/
I have a daughter a few weeks younger than Margot (actually found you through the BabyCenter forums and reading ever since!) and yes, it is hard to find anything not super girly! I feel your pain.
Whoa, awesome! I didn’t know anybody followed me from there, that’s cool to know! Especially that I wasn’t a regular there, really :P
The Customer is Always Right — except when it comes to wanting gender neutral items. (Then your only choices seem to be the Pink Ghetto or the Blue Ghetto.)
This rule of color coding your babies so strangers know what their genitals look like is pretty weird, society.