Working from home has totally screwed my schedule up. I might get up early, but if I start working before taking a shower, then I might not actually shower until it suddenly hits me that I’m still wearing my pajamas in the evening.
Incidentally, no matter the time I get dressed, it’s always when I’m naked that the mailman decides to ring my doorbell.
Funfacts! 8D Be careful though of those who know where you live and are just now learning this. Mwahahaha? O.o;
Ahahah! ‘Tis the nature of the home working artists! :P
Or of mailmen who keep coming even without mail?
DÉJÀ VU!! Moi c’est le dudes de Hydro Québec avec leur foutu lectures!!
Hahahahahaha ceux-là y viennent pas, nos compteurs sont dehors. (Au moins…)
=OOO Creeeeeeeperrrssss…!!
hey, delivery b0y, my eyes are up here >:/
haha that’s why i usually don’t answer the door
I just spy awkwardly from the window so i can see if its something important or just a salesman…
If it is something important i put a sweater on and run to the door XD
whenever there’s a package, i always seem to be in a tank top without a bra and short shorts. i just awkwardly peek from behind the door with the chain still attached.
It’s a conspiracy.
haha, je me reconnais tellement là dedans! Si je prend pas ma douche avant mon café c’est clair que je me mets à travailler et reste en jogging toute la journée.
C’est encore en train de se passer en ce moment…
Reminds me of the time when I the UPS guy caught me by surprise. I opened the door wearing a torn bright yellow t-shirt, crummy pants and I had a huge splodge of dried toothpaste on my face (I use it to treat pimples) and my hair was a complete mess. I completely forgot about the toothpaste on my face. Didn’t realize it till 10 minutes after he left…it explained why he looked at me funny.
Hahaha! That makes for a great story though!