It IS the same word with another word in front of it (kinda like “ever” and “forever” I suppose), so it’s more confusing for her and harder to explain how to use it properly. But it also works in English pretty well.
I didn’t see this comment when I first read it and didn’t think twice about it–it makes great sense in English, especially after seeing how my own kids get words almost right like this. Now I can’t quite remember which word gave them the most trouble, but it was all the subtle, time-based words like always vs. forever. I know “yet” was one of them, and I think “already” was another one.
Oh, yeah! “Barely” was the one my daughter used most. I can’t even exactly describe how she used it wrong–she kind of mixed it up with “just”. You can see why it was so hard to correct her usage, when I struggle to even describe to another adult what was weird about it. I love how they make you see things you took for granted.
Ah, one of the comics that is much more logical in French. She won’t be making this mistake pour toujours at least ;)
I find it’s not *so* bad in English ;)
For some reason your art style is really familiar, did you make any webcomics before this one?
No, this is actually my very first serious project! But I made animated films before comics.
Never mind for some reason I convinced myself that this looked like DAR’s style. It doesn’t
Still flattering. ;)
Just curious (because I don’t speak French), but why does it make more sense in French?
I DO, however speak Spanish, and my assumption is because they are the same word in French? In Spanish, “siempre” would cover both words in English.
It IS the same word with another word in front of it (kinda like “ever” and “forever” I suppose), so it’s more confusing for her and harder to explain how to use it properly. But it also works in English pretty well.
I didn’t see this comment when I first read it and didn’t think twice about it–it makes great sense in English, especially after seeing how my own kids get words almost right like this. Now I can’t quite remember which word gave them the most trouble, but it was all the subtle, time-based words like always vs. forever. I know “yet” was one of them, and I think “already” was another one.
Oh, yeah! “Barely” was the one my daughter used most. I can’t even exactly describe how she used it wrong–she kind of mixed it up with “just”. You can see why it was so hard to correct her usage, when I struggle to even describe to another adult what was weird about it. I love how they make you see things you took for granted.