If you haven’t read Monday’s comic, then please do so. It’s kind of a prequel. Yes.
(I swear I didn’t mean to find a reason to do curling comics. I hurt my knee and my back, but as I lay on the ice I thought, “COMIC GOLD, RIGHT THERE.”)
If you haven’t read Monday’s comic, then please do so. It’s kind of a prequel. Yes.
(I swear I didn’t mean to find a reason to do curling comics. I hurt my knee and my back, but as I lay on the ice I thought, “COMIC GOLD, RIGHT THERE.”)
I do hope you’re doing better!
I’m not usually a fan of prequels, but this one’s awesome. x3
Yeah, well, my back’s taking some time to heal but I’ll be okay. :)
Thanks <3
J’ai joué au curling deux fois : la dernière fois c’était avec Phil Rouisse, pour sa fête. COMEDY GOLD. Je m’en suis tirée pas pire. Mais la première fois, ca a donné la même chose que toi. Sauf que j’ai fendu la glace en prime avec mon genou.
Repose-toi, tu as besoin de ton dos pour dessiner! *calin*
and thus, your first prequel comic and a new sport was born
Fendu la glace?! Quel move!
sam, you never cease to make me laugh whenever i feel like shit because of school (geometry! english! government! french!). thank you :D
Oh! I’m glad then! Feel better <3
My relationship with ice, snow, and otherwise cold places isn’t all that good. The last time I skiied was two years ago, and ice skating is just me trying to walk on ice with bad skates while the boys from our class play hockey and almost tackles us. I’d rather just sit inside with hot cocoa thankewverymuch! If I were ever to try curling, it would probably result with my foot broken, me having nightmares about brooms, and my sisters forever laughing at me…