my brother in law have a golden retriever called cookie (manliest name ever).that dog is stupid as hell, but hes too adorable, i cant get angry at him, EVER.
Pierre-Luc and I aren’t married, but we’re in a domestic partnership. Thing is, I’m not sure what else to call his parents in English. Google Translate tells me to use “stepparents” but I’m pretty sure this isn’t the right word, haha.
Nope, you just suck at throwing… And Cafe sucks at catching them. Is s/he a golden retriever?
It even says in the name: s/he retrieves…
Normally she does, and she’s pretty good at it. I don’t know what happened on that day for her to just watch the ball hit her on the head like that.
This is way too cute, both you and the dog. xD I think the shame was felt equally here.
“no, YOU fetch .__.”
my brother in law have a golden retriever called cookie (manliest name ever).that dog is stupid as hell, but hes too adorable, i cant get angry at him, EVER.
I notice that you refer to them as in-laws
does that mean you are married or am I missing something?
Pierre-Luc and I aren’t married, but we’re in a domestic partnership. Thing is, I’m not sure what else to call his parents in English. Google Translate tells me to use “stepparents” but I’m pretty sure this isn’t the right word, haha.
That’s pretty adorable :) Golden retrievers are a handsome breed.
I’m ALMOST disappointed that this isn’t one of those brilliantly animated strips. But the funny “I suck at dogs” in the last panel makes up for it :D
Father/ mother in law
I thought “in-laws” actually referred to mother-in-law and father-in-law…?
“In-laws” usually means you’re married, but doesn’t have to.
It’s ok, I get freaked out when even small dogs jump. I grew up with cats so…:/