This comic is made 200% better by watching this video.
Also, new sig! And there is a great Boumeries review over at Your Webcomics!. Check it out!
This comic is made 200% better by watching this video.
Also, new sig! And there is a great Boumeries review over at Your Webcomics!. Check it out!
Better than me, my mouth hangs open! I’m naturally a mouth breather, but I’m pretty good at hiding it unless I’m playing video games or watching something really good. I just get so into it, my mind leaves my body! xD
I bite the inside of my cheeks, grip the controller too hard and suck on my lips if I’m really involved in a game.
Recently, I’ve gotten Mass Effect 3. My mouth feels sore.
You forgot the biting-the-tongue part. ;-)
Apparently I stick my lips out, too (mouth closed though). But I don’t realize it, either.
I grip the controller too hard too! Sometimes it starts cracking and popping…
Good thing I don’t do that. It’d be bleeding all the time.
hahahaahahahahahahahahahahhhaahhahahahahaha HhahahHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA… haha… 0h please wait let me catch my breath… hehehahaha… hehe…… ……………………………………..PFFFTT GAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHHAHAHAHAHA XD.
0k im calmed n0w, well y0u guys have y0ur c0ncentrati0n faces but the 0nly 0ne i have is angry face 0r p0ker face, pretty b0ring.
pe0ple hates my p0kerface, they think i plan a mass murder
You’ve told so many stories about your face, I’m afraid to meet you on the street now.
i lean far forward in my seat and kick my legs out like i’m swimming when video games get intense. it’s really awkward for other people.
…That sounds really cute though. XD
Haha! Oh, what big eyes you have! :D Btw, what were you playing?
I’ve always thought of myself to be a relatively calm and collected person when it comes to playing video games…. Maybe I’m just boring… DX Oh wait, when I see big clusters of Banelings rolling down on my Marines in SC2, I tend to get a little bit frantic!
I stare… and then my eyes get really dry, and I blink and they stick closed.
i sometimes laugh maniacally if i get focused on a game so much im winning (typically this happens in multiplayer games)…
or i get all glare-y.
I was trying to beat Xenogears’ final boss — which is a very hard boss, by the way.
Admit the maniacal laugh is only to confuse other players!
0rly?…. fuck… then i guess im m0re aries than i th0ugh, i was reading that aries sign rules the face. and i g0tta admit i s0metimestalk a l0t ab0ut it cause i tend t0 have isues with it, idk, a kindd 0f 0bsessi0n, is n0t pretty 0r ugly, just average but my l00k is scary cause my nature 0f being calm but vi0lent when pr0v0ked and 0nce m0re it als0 depends 0n wh0 is l00king at it but m0stly i get the “y0ur face is scary” c0mment, thats why. ill try n0t t0 talk ab0ut it anym0re s0rry XD.
And whenever there’s some driving involved, I always lean to that side :D And if I crash, I fall off from leaning too far :D
But you should never ever say, even if it seems to be going so well, that you’re “good at this game”. I lose every single time I tend to do that :D
Haha, I was kidding!!
You know how some people tended to move the controller around in driving games? I got so used to staying still, that know whenever I play Mario Kart on the Wii, I forget I have to move the controller around and press on the control pad instead. And I crash into walls.
¬¬…. i feel tr0lled, here, have my internets hahah.
*play final fantasy fanfarre*
Samantha received internet x10
2000 exp p0ints, LV up!
RARE ITEM! : the Hasidic hammer!
ph0enix d0wn x5
acquired the access0ry “Sephir0t´s rape face”
That made my day.
Sephiroth’s rape face.
I tend to be pretty casual when I play, but when I watch I often stand up and start jumping at tense moments.
there was no voice chat. it was Blast Network on Spiral Knights and i had a 10 game winning streak. all those years playin Bomberman as a kid paid off.
@Nelyan I’m frickin good at Bomberman and the various clones.
my friends believe that with my video game playing habits, combined with my pikachu-like squeals, i’m apparently adorable enough to melt the entire world out of cuteness. if that even makes sense.
I sneeze like a Pokémon, so I understand how that feels.
I mostly play adventure/puzzle games. Something I have noticed (an my boyfriend) that I do when playing games, mainly on the pc, is that when I am concentrating or something is tricky I tend to pull the sleeves of my shirt up to my elbows, as if its about to get real xD When it is over I pull them down again. Then it repeats.
When I play video games, I tend to chatter to myself. I talk as though I am the character, and I give them a personality and just go with it. It’s pretty fun, but awkward when people are watching.
Man that’s how I was last week beating starfox 64 on the red path with my nieces fighting right next to me on a love seat (2person sofa for those who dunno)XD. Also why are your comics so addicting? I’m suppose to be working on writing out the story for my video game XD
I stick out my tounge and hold my breath :/
I stick my tongue out when I’m focused! Sometimes I chew on the inside of my cheek or lower lip, which ends up being a bad and often painful habit… Can’t chew on my lip if I’m constantly talking to my game, though, which I also do.
I grind my teeth and bite my cheek. Been doing that a lot lately while playing Horizon: Zero Dawn the Frozen Wilds.
Is it bad that I cringed when the creature in the video was misidentified twice? It’s a tarsier, not a lemur or possum.