I go through this all the time with my girls. People just don’t think it’s a girl till there is a long crop of flowing hair showing.
Be careful, you might get some transgender supporters saying you are hating in here now too. HAHA XD (Sorry I couldn’t resist the snark, keep up the great work.)
Sometimes, I wonder how different my life would be if I used public transportation and was exposed to those strange people that talk to you for no reason.
Just yesterday, I was sitting at a café drawing and minding my own business when some old dude sat next to me with a newspaper and started to comment the news hoping I’d join him.
This woman just doesn’t care about gender-shmender clothings. Good sign she doesn’t take granted what is supposed to be seen.
On sunday I saw a nice summer dress at the central station, but with a person with beard and wide shoulders in it. Who am I to judge about this person!
I know this is an old comment, but I had to say, I’ve had this happen too and it’s so weird! One time my daughter was wearing a little summer dress and hat, and I was chatting with a neighbor who called her “he”, so I just said, “Oh, she’s a girl,” and he said, “But she’s wearing blue.” and looked at me blankly.
I’ve basically decided that if/when we have kids they’re going to wear clothes that we really like, regardless of the gender. But mostly costumes.
“Are they a boy or a girl?”
“Can’t you tell? They’re a DINOSAUR.”
Obviously not when they’re old enough to have their own preferences! But as a baby? They’re not really going to care.
I go through this all the time with my girls. People just don’t think it’s a girl till there is a long crop of flowing hair showing.
Be careful, you might get some transgender supporters saying you are hating in here now too. HAHA XD (Sorry I couldn’t resist the snark, keep up the great work.)
Whew, hopefully not!
I love summer dress season! It’s the best season ever!
Sometimes, I wonder how different my life would be if I used public transportation and was exposed to those strange people that talk to you for no reason.
Just yesterday, I was sitting at a café drawing and minding my own business when some old dude sat next to me with a newspaper and started to comment the news hoping I’d join him.
I ran.
LOL Happens to me, too. Doesn’t matter if she’s all dressed up in pink tutu in her pink stroller. And she has earrings!!!
Happens to my littlest ALL THE TIME. Even people who know her well default to using masculine pronouns.
All the time with my girls when they were babies. Head to toe pink, ruffles, curly long hair…”Little girl?”
No, a very well trained wombat. YES SHE IS A GIRL.
This woman just doesn’t care about gender-shmender clothings. Good sign she doesn’t take granted what is supposed to be seen.
On sunday I saw a nice summer dress at the central station, but with a person with beard and wide shoulders in it. Who am I to judge about this person!
It’s annoying that she reverted to male pronouns but hey, at least she didn’t just assume due to clothing. ^-^ Very NOT cissexist.
Could have been a bearded lady.
I know this is an old comment, but I had to say, I’ve had this happen too and it’s so weird! One time my daughter was wearing a little summer dress and hat, and I was chatting with a neighbor who called her “he”, so I just said, “Oh, she’s a girl,” and he said, “But she’s wearing blue.” and looked at me blankly.
I’ve basically decided that if/when we have kids they’re going to wear clothes that we really like, regardless of the gender. But mostly costumes.
“Are they a boy or a girl?”
“Can’t you tell? They’re a DINOSAUR.”
Obviously not when they’re old enough to have their own preferences! But as a baby? They’re not really going to care.