Day by Boum on November 27, 2013 at 12:01AM Chapter: Comic Strips └ Tags: absurd, boyfriend, everyday life, parenthood
A relationship is perfect when you can casually talk about feces with each other.
Whatcha watching in the third panel?
hahahha omg my boyfriend always takes at least half an hour in the bathroom :P he brings his vita though to keep things entertaining XD
A cooking show!
Pierre-Luc checks his whole feed on his phone. No wonder they stay that long!
Margot va grandir et les longs séjours aux toilettes vont vite devenir chose du passé.
I remember those days – or LOST days as they were…
And poop talk never goes away – its even funnier when other parents get involved. Everyone has a story.
Holy crap do I need to take this poop.
And Thanksgiving’s coming up.
Moi j’dis que les prochaines BD risquent d’être sur les hémorroïdes de Pierre-Luc! :-D
Read this while pooping. It comes full circle.
It means I have succeeded.