Our kids are the same way! We have to “cheers” everything. Honestly, it’s been super useful, because if you cheers food, they automatically eat it afterwards out of habit, so if they’re refusing to try something, you can cheers it with them and then they’ll eat a bite. Usually then they love it and devour it, but sometimes that first bite is hard.
Aww that’s super cute!!
Oh you guys put her hair in ponytails now?
When she lets us ;)
I’ll try to remember that one!
i bet shes the life of the party :)
Our kids are the same way! We have to “cheers” everything. Honestly, it’s been super useful, because if you cheers food, they automatically eat it afterwards out of habit, so if they’re refusing to try something, you can cheers it with them and then they’ll eat a bite. Usually then they love it and devour it, but sometimes that first bite is hard.
I use to say dink instead of drink, which dink apparently means penis in North American slang. XD
Rereading all your comics and I appreciate this on a new level because my nephew did this too when he was roughly the same age (1.5 yrs)