I’m at my residency right now, and I don’t have all the art supplies I normally have, so this comic was made directly into Photoshop. I’m not too fond of the look, but it’ll do, and all other comics for this month will be made that way. I’ll need some time to adjust. Please bear with me <3
Wow, that seems needlessly mysterious! I love it.
I don’t think this strip looks any worse than normal! Maybe it’s something only you would notice. XD
i dont know if i want to know what happened to the last person who asked why a locked wooden box, probably men dressed in black suits and using sunglasses appeared and brainwashed that person. “he made too many questions”
I bet!
I’ve only ever taken a basic animation course, but holy crap does that sound terrifying.
La guarda fait encore ça! une fois il y en a un qui a pris mon projet en disant : «Ben oui tu as fini va t’en!» La boîte est encore là… Toute aussi diabolique que quand tu y était. Hahaha
The face in the last panel: O__O”
This is the best way to get stressed/have a nervous breakdown/get a reason to take a day off…
Haha au debut je croyais que cetait tes papiers danimations.
I can tell the comic was done differently, but it isn’t bad looking. Like at all. =O I can’t imagine handling that kind of stress. I’d probably have a heart attack, and I’m a bit serious about that.
Haha! C’est tellement vrai que c’était stressant! Et quand c’est dans la boîte, c’est fini! Tu ne peux plus le reprendre!! :P
Ce l’est!
Curisse…c’était pas au cégep ca???
Ben oui!
T’es allé au CVM en animation, right? That box… tellement stressant remettre des travaux là-dedans!