So TCAF is over and it was fantastic! I wrote down a few funny things that happened, so expect comics about that in the next few days. I hope you’ll like ’em!
So TCAF is over and it was fantastic! I wrote down a few funny things that happened, so expect comics about that in the next few days. I hope you’ll like ’em!
Reminds me of Tamagotchis and their stupid teeny screws… :/
I think it’s spelled ‘Glow worm’, btw.
I hope you weren’t scared by our panther scream toilets this time!
nope, its totes called Glo worm, i still have mine. and hell hath no fury such as mine if someone tries to take it from me >:(
Yep, I was gonna say. The brand spells it “Glo Worm”.
HAHA! You remembered that! Actually the toilets on the train were dinosaur-like. Truly startling.
Is he flashing us in the second panel? o.O
Actually he’s folding baby pants but that’s hilarious
Aww Man, I wanted to go to TCAF, being literally a 3 hour drive away, but I didn’t have my extended license to drive from Michigan into Canadia-Land.
One day! You should go! It’s amazing.
oh, right they usually spell it like that, my bad :)