After spending several days in English only, my tongue usually slips “W”s everywhere.
So! I’ll be at the Festival de la BD francophone de Québec this week, and I’m there everyday, you lucky bastards! Click here for my (very complicated) schedule. See you there I hope!
How good are you at English tongue twisters?
Pretty bad I suppose :/
Toungue twisters are hard even for native speakers, can confirm.
The seventh sheikh’s sixth sheep is sick.
Hi Boum, you may or may not remember that two people asked for a book for a girl named Kira, that girl is me and I apologize! I only meant to have one copy, what happened was I asked one friend for it and the other friend did it as a kind surprise. I feel so silly!
I knew it!!! The friend who bought it as a surprise bought it first, and then when the friend you had asked to go came, I told him “I think I might’ve sold a book for that person already.” He said Kira was a common name and that you’d given him money for it so I complied.
That’s okay, you can give the other one to someone else! This is a funny story :)
I know the feeling Boum. Being Brazillian, English isn’t my first language either. I know too well when brain goes full bluh mode and you start slipping up. My tongue tends to get lazy and I start pronouncing things wrong too lol.
The comic in their hands going upwards is a nice touch, its like their trying to shield themselves from your increasing jetlag xD
Man yesterday I was talking to my niece cause her dad acted like a class A jerk on father’s day and I kept trying to say “WORD” but it kept coming out ad “WOOD” I was getting so frustrated I told her to cover her ears so OI can curse XD