Hey guys, on Friday February 1st it’s Hourly Comic Day! It’s also my comic’s second birthday, since I initially started doing these comics on Hourly Comic Day 2011. This means that there won’t be a comic up at midnight as usual, but I’ll be updating with one comic for every hour that I am awake! Don’t miss it!
Donc en gros tu vas poster autant de comic que tu peux vendredi et non un seul comic ? :)
Just bend over the container, some of the urin in bound to hit it. No worries, I am pretty sure all girls have a problem aiming.
I cannot wait to see the comics on Friday.
Oh, dear. D= Well, just remember you’re probably not the first to have that problem. Dx Can’t wait for Friday! =3
Oué! Mais des bédés qui racontent ce qui se passe dans la journée.
I managed, no worries. ;)
Ok cool :) j’ai bien hâte de voir :)
Unfortunately, due to a general lack of advice from previous sufferers, that does not make it one bit better. ;)