I don’t like how this one turned out… it seemed much funnier in my head.
That said, though, I do bump into walls all the freaking time. I don’t know if it has anything to do with my right eye being defective (what with my pars planitis and all), but it’s annoying. :C
Je te rassure, mes deux eux fonctionnent très bien, mais ça m’arrive tout le temps et sur les meubles aussi!! LOL! LOL! :D
On est comme trop pressées de sortir, hein…
I like it. That’s what happens to me all the time.
J’sais pas, je l’ai trouvée pas mal marrante, moi …
Pour moi, c’est les portes; surtout celles qu’on tire. J’analyse mal leur degré d’ouverture ou quelque chose – je rentre carrément dedans.
Ça me rassure :)
Mais, ouaaaais! Ça m’arrive aussi (quoique moins souvent de rentrer dans les cadrages).
haha I have a strong suspicion you are my:
1/ lost twin sister or something.
2/ my own alter ego doing this comics without “my real me” noticing it.
3/ my personal stalker
please tick the correct answer. ;DD
Moi, c’est surtout avec les meubles, les câbles d’ordinateurs et les boîtes en plastique à ma job… Je sais qu’elles sont là, je les ai vues, je me suis même dit d’y faire attention et pour tant, je rentre dans chacuns de ses obstacles qui font de ma vie un enfer.
J’ai des bleus partout sur les jambes et si tu savais le nombre de trucs que j’ai cassé parce que je fais tomber les ordinateurs portables sur mon sofa… C’est tellement triste que c’en est drôle.
It’s number 2. IT HAS TO BE
Faire tomber des ordis… eeeek!
Moi c’est surtout mes épaules et mes bras qui encaissent les chocs. On m’a souvent fait la joke plate de “Coudonc, ton chum te bat tu?!”
Hilarious, as always :D
Me – OW!!!
Mom/friend/sibling/stranger in the street – What happened!?
Me – I found the doorframe. Again.
I’m so happy I hear from people like me. *happy tears*
yyyeeeeaaah….. some stuff in my head that i blocked and now i remember, they once called me casper the friendly ghost, cause i used to go through Crystal doors like a ghot, IT WAS NOT MY FAULT!! they were thin crystal and so clean that they seemed invisible! in-topic, sometimes i also had romantic sessions with the door frame, i guess my subconcious though
it was a sexy door frame so i run to it sometimes.
I kinda do that too.
hehe! Je l’ai trouvée très drôle moi!
j’avais ce problème avant qu’on corrige mon astigmatisme…
Maintenant, je me contente de pousser sur le poignée d’une porte sur laquelle il faut tirer pour l’ouvrir…je passe à cet endroit à tous les jours à l’université…à plusieurs reprises par jour en fait…et, après presque 6 mois, je continue à pousser…=S
Is it weird I thought about your right eye before reading the description? Yet I can never seem to say/write your last name. xD The collision in this is just too funny. I do this too, but I have to admit it may be a lack of the second step.
haha yeah i remember that one XD. lucky that you never had a shower of broken glass on you, is a MIRACLE that i never lost my head to that.
if it helps any i run into the door nobs 50% of the time. or the door frame… and the small bit of the door that is sideways… or i get my pants caught on the door. (doors may have a vendetta against me now that i think of it…) YAY! KINDRED SPIRIT!
Door knobs = PAIN. I know how that feels.
I have a very complicated last name so that’s totally normal.
…et moi aussi, I find everything by running into it. My depth perception is a matter of concious choice and attention.
Strange that I have a clean driving record, though… *knock on wood*
I’m sorry, my French is failing… did Catherine fall on the sofa with a computer or did she drop the computer on it?
She dropped multiple computers on her sofa and broke stuff by doing that. Not exactly sure how she proceeded XD
Oh my god. I didn’t think of that. I’m afraid of my driving lessons now.
We have two laptops that we leave on our living room’s couch and the cables always end up being on my path and inevitably I step in them, just like the ribbon at the end of a race although I do win anything and make everything fall down on the floor with extremely loud noises.
i think this one is fantastic. my wife and i both have this same problem. yay… and boo.
…My husband ran the cables through the couch and got wheeled tray tables for the computers. It works pretty well…
Thanks :)
This is exactly how I am.
J’ai LOLé pour vrai. :)
The perspective you drew this is makes it look like a video game. I feel like I would play something like this for some reason…
I laughed out loud at the last panel. Well done!
not doorways … i run in to wall corners …. we had a sharp outward corner in our hall and one night i couldn’t see it and smacked my face in it and my nose was bleeding …
after that one it was decided to get my eyes checked and voila i needed glasses ….