i am 10 times more dangerous than an angry gorilla or a raging rhino when i have a migraine, just ask my sister when i tackled her small humanity out of my room when she busted the door open, after that i return to the bed with more pain. they do wish i would be defenseless while having a migraine XD.
i am not like that with everyone (just 90% of humanity), with my sisters cause they are annoying as fuck, not like they do that anymore but seriously, who the fuck busts a door open to the room of a person with migraine?
Someone who doesn’t understand the difference between a headache and a migrane. It’s like the difference between a papercut and major abdominal surgury… but most people I know find “migrane” synonimous with “wimp”. -.-
oy, do i feel his pain. i tend to grind my teeth in my sleep and i wake up feeling just like that from time to time. give him my sincere condolences.
Pierre-Luc almost crawls when he’s got migraines, it’s a sad but funny sight.
i am 10 times more dangerous than an angry gorilla or a raging rhino when i have a migraine, just ask my sister when i tackled her small humanity out of my room when she busted the door open, after that i return to the bed with more pain. they do wish i would be defenseless while having a migraine XD.
Uuuuh. I’ll take a whiny, weak Pierre-Luc, anytime. XD
i am not like that with everyone (just 90% of humanity), with my sisters cause they are annoying as fuck, not like they do that anymore but seriously, who the fuck busts a door open to the room of a person with migraine?
i hope he gets better :3!
i feel kinda bad ’cause its so funny =P
Someone who doesn’t understand the difference between a headache and a migrane. It’s like the difference between a papercut and major abdominal surgury… but most people I know find “migrane” synonimous with “wimp”. -.-