Immediately after coming back from Disney, we all got gastro, except Annette who miraculously escaped unscathed. What fun!
Immediately after coming back from Disney, we all got gastro, except Annette who miraculously escaped unscathed. What fun!
We all got the stomach bug here, my dad, who hasn’t ever thrown up in my life (He hasn’t thrown up in over 30 years, im 23) threw up for the first time from it, I was the only one who didn’t throw up even a little bit but felt like I was going to, but I was running fevers, so it was pretty bad. xD Still, I feel bad for your daughter for not only being sick but getting hit in the face with a bucket.
Can confirm; didn’t throw up after about 10, until I went ahead and caused children. The worst part is when the sickness waves don’t have phase shift but come in at the exact same time, and everyone is just sick as a dog.
Yeah gastro sucks. I managed to get away without vomiting but there are ~other symptoms~
I’ll, uh, pretend I don’t know what you’re talking about 6_6
I hope she doesn’t vomit like I do. Not only do I involuntarily scream the whole time, but it’s like a jet stream. I literally can’t aim downwards.
Oh no! That sounds terrible! She was actually pretty good at aiming, but sometimes it’d come out through her nose and that would make her scream.
Yeah, I got acid reflux too so I always have those “Other symptoms” too. XD
I tried Disney again recently. I got a cheap Universal Studios Resort thing and went during the christmas time. It was like wall to wall people you had to navigate around. Their fast pass had to ve scheduled at least a few days in advanced and I know I got the death flu from there. Sigh, can’t go back as a kid of 8 any more.
On the flip side, Universal Studios was nice and open and fell in love with the Harry Potter town.
Yeah, I think Disney has to be avoided during Christmas, or spring break.