The creepy part about this is that he COULD actually die. See, if you have a forming aneurism going on, any strain can cause it to pop. Including sneezing. Yay morbid nurse facts!
“If your lids weren’t closed, the force of the explosion would blow your eyeballs out and stretch the optic nerve, so your eyes would flop around and you’d have to point them with your hands to see anything.”
–Calvin’s Dad
The creepy part about this is that he COULD actually die. See, if you have a forming aneurism going on, any strain can cause it to pop. Including sneezing. Yay morbid nurse facts!
“If your lids weren’t closed, the force of the explosion would blow your eyeballs out and stretch the optic nerve, so your eyes would flop around and you’d have to point them with your hands to see anything.”
–Calvin’s Dad
I ask people that too.
Yay for Calvin and Hobbes reference! :D