Guest Comic: Anticlimax
Today’s comic is brought to you by Aaron Lenk, author of the graphic novel Dave’s Wurld! I met Aaron at the Montreal Comiccon last September and we traded books. Dave’s Wurld is a very intelligent, complex and interesting read — you should give it a shot. Check out Aaron’s Twitter, too!
That is a mean trick! But it’s so funny too.
TrollBoum made me laugh.
D= …I feel so bad for him, but I feel even worse that I would probably be laughing if I was actually there.
Hah! Dave’s Wurld is the only other book I bought at Comicon! It is indeed a great creation! :) (Which I’ve also handed over to my brother along with your book!)
Awesome! Two very different reads, that’s for sure :)
…..i might seem insensitive but….. HAHAHAHAHHAHA
HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH…. tragic ¬¬, it would be more
tragic if someone spoils him the ending… DAMN YOU SMITHY!
There’s always the internet, too…
To be fair, I wouldn’t put it past him to have looked up the ending on youtube…
yeah, but is just no fun to watch the ending of games on youtube and such, id rather finish a game than watching how it ends in the interwebs and im always careful to not gwet spoiled.
This is evil. It’s such a cute ending too.