He was talking about this strip.
Seriously though— when I plan on putting someone into a comic and make them look kinda bad, I always make sure they didn’t grab my business card. They can still find out somehow (risks of being a slice-of-life cartoonist I guess), but this time I’m certain it wasn’t him! People compare me to Garfield occasionally, but only that other one guy was clearly irked by my comic.
Hey, ten books is ten books in the bank.
I wonder if he’ll come back and comment! Although… I’m guessing this occurred in French, so I’ll likely never knowwww.
Well this guy (not the Garfield one) commented on my Facebook page. ;)
Did you make a comic about him because you felt bad? Is this a guilt circle?
Hi there! I just spent the last week re-reading through your comics and I think this is actually the guy from your Garfield strip in 2016! (who knows so many people are trying to make this connection, lol)
Perhaps we’ll never know. :O
Lol that’s so funny. I like short comics here.