Smooch by Boum on January 27, 2014 at 12:01AM Chapter: Comic Strips WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING EXACTLY └ Tags: animated, boyfriend, everyday life, parenthood
Something ain’t right about this!
Tellement priceless comme face :)
Such a cute comic strip!
By the way, is it just me, or could you interpret this slightly different depending on whom she looks at in the last panel? Oh no! You’ll have to decide when preparing this for print!
“that was mighty suspicious you two”
Hahaha! That’s hilariously adorable. That face must’ve been priceless.
I know ¬_¬
‘What are you doing with your faces mushed together?!’
And this is when Margot began to foster a dark suspicion that her parents had a regard for one another that was not platonic.
Haha! So funny! The first time my daughter saw us kiss, she started laughing, saying, Why are you eating her face?
You could always include a 5th panel if it doesn’t botch up the layout.
…wait this was from over a year ago, you’ve probably already printed…