(If you can read that sign: it’s okay, me neither.)
It’s a nice coincidence that I’m talking about Japan these days because it’s Otakuthon, an anime convention, this week-end! You’ll find me at table 416 with my comics and all. Come and say hi!
There are a couple of phone apps you can get that can translate pictures of text. It’s not 100% accurate, but you should be able to get the gist of something. They may be useful for future travels.
According to Google Lens, that sign says:
>That man is clear
>Crab Japanese
>can not speak
OK. I think I’m done here…
It feels weird to live vicariously through people with more kids than me.
I had one like that on my phone! It worked okay. Often it wouldn’t work, especially for longer sentences.
Without checking, I think it says something like “This man doesn’t speak Japanese.”
You’re good!
That’s exactly what I’d expect the sign to say.
That smart (bright) man doesn’t speak Japanese.