My parents gave up when we wouldn’t let the tooth fairy in because she was a stranger and mom had stepped out. Brother and I had a blast when little sis figured out that if Santa came down our chimney he’d get stuck in the furnace. …And so the tradition of Santa knocking on the back door at midnight was born. Mom and Dad stayed up late to let him in. :P
Merry Christmas, Sam and anyone who reads this comment
God Jul, and Hyvää Joulua from Finland.
I dont even remember if I ever believed in Santa or not, but my parents apparently told me ‘the truth’ when I was about 9-10 yrs old, so I mustve believed it at least a little…
Now that there are some younger kids in my family ( 1 and 4 years old) I probably have to be an elf at xmas for a few years :) yay
It’s funny to me that your parents actually tried to make you believe! Mine did the opposite they didn’t want me to believe and then have to explain that he wasn’t real later in life, or have to comfort me if another child told me he wasn’t real. So they never even mentioned Santa and I didn’t really know about him until around the point that all the other kids stopped believing in him. Which I was honestly fine with because I’m not so certain I would have believed in him either quite honestly! I’ve always thought everything through too much.
I had my suspicions. When my Mom lies about things like Santa Claus or the tooth fairy, or saying that she has no idea where my chocolate went, she gets this face. So, I never quite believed, but I did humor the idea for a while. I know I always knew that the mall santa was a man wearing a beard. And I recognized my mom’s handwriting. I considered it a fun, annual pretend game.
I never really understood the concept of Santa. Why is it more exciting to receive a gift from him than my parents? Isn’t it a little creepy to get a present from a complete stranger? Especially from one that sneaks into your house?
I realized Santa wasn’t real when I was 4 or 5. Because my parents had left a big black bag (I remember it being a garbage bag) of stuff in the back of the car. I was in the back seat getting in and looked in the very back (It was an SUV type vehicle). I save the bag was a little open and saw some animal cracker collectors tin things that. Then on Christmas those tins showed up again but labeled “from Santa”. I just pretended like I believed because my sister was 3 or so, and I just kept pretending to believe for a long time so as not to ruin my parents and sisters fun.
My family & I don’t celebrate Christmas because of our religious beliefs, so I always knew Santa wasn’t real. The problem was keeping my mouth shut about it – I was very zealous to tell others about my beliefs, which my parents commended, but I remember my mom telling me it wasn’t nice to tell other kids the truth about Santa. I did a good job of respecting that, until about grade 4… I remember there was one girl who still adamantly believed in him, and I asked her questions about how could he possibly fit down a furnace chimney, etc. (She said they leave the door unlocked for him. I replied “You guys are gonna get robbed!!”) It bothered me that everyone’s parents lied to them!
Sorry for commenting on super old posts, haha working my way through the archives :p
(Quick correction: in the first panel it should be “logical”)
I believed in Santa but only somewhat – I knew that there were gifts from my parents because my mother has a very specific left-handed writing style, and I was very into detective stuff… but the gifts at my grandma’s house (my uncle and his wife and her daughter lived upstairs from her in this big McMansion they owned) were MAGICAL because my uncle and his buddy would go up on the roof and stomp around and yell out HO HO HO and we’d all rush downstairs to “let Santa in” because he couldn’t come in if we were all sitting there! All of us would huddle and eat chocolates and then be called upstairs when the coast was clear and open a gift for Christmas eve, taking the rest home. It was pretty neat. It’s a shame my family turned out to be so f-ed up.
I thought I was so darn smart when I realised that Santa was really just my great-uncle in a costume. My cousin, who I told immediately, did not agree. Instead, she burst into tears and Complained about it to my mum.
My parents gave up when we wouldn’t let the tooth fairy in because she was a stranger and mom had stepped out. Brother and I had a blast when little sis figured out that if Santa came down our chimney he’d get stuck in the furnace. …And so the tradition of Santa knocking on the back door at midnight was born. Mom and Dad stayed up late to let him in. :P
Merry Christmas, Sam and anyone who reads this comment
God Jul, and Hyvää Joulua from Finland.
I dont even remember if I ever believed in Santa or not, but my parents apparently told me ‘the truth’ when I was about 9-10 yrs old, so I mustve believed it at least a little…
Now that there are some younger kids in my family ( 1 and 4 years old) I probably have to be an elf at xmas for a few years :) yay
It’s funny to me that your parents actually tried to make you believe! Mine did the opposite they didn’t want me to believe and then have to explain that he wasn’t real later in life, or have to comfort me if another child told me he wasn’t real. So they never even mentioned Santa and I didn’t really know about him until around the point that all the other kids stopped believing in him. Which I was honestly fine with because I’m not so certain I would have believed in him either quite honestly! I’ve always thought everything through too much.
I had my suspicions. When my Mom lies about things like Santa Claus or the tooth fairy, or saying that she has no idea where my chocolate went, she gets this face. So, I never quite believed, but I did humor the idea for a while. I know I always knew that the mall santa was a man wearing a beard. And I recognized my mom’s handwriting. I considered it a fun, annual pretend game.
They didn’t try hard though. They felt awkward about lying. My sister believed in Santa mostly because she didn’t ask questions I think!
I never really understood the concept of Santa. Why is it more exciting to receive a gift from him than my parents? Isn’t it a little creepy to get a present from a complete stranger? Especially from one that sneaks into your house?
I realized Santa wasn’t real when I was 4 or 5. Because my parents had left a big black bag (I remember it being a garbage bag) of stuff in the back of the car. I was in the back seat getting in and looked in the very back (It was an SUV type vehicle). I save the bag was a little open and saw some animal cracker collectors tin things that. Then on Christmas those tins showed up again but labeled “from Santa”. I just pretended like I believed because my sister was 3 or so, and I just kept pretending to believe for a long time so as not to ruin my parents and sisters fun.
All your stories are a lot of fun you guys!
my brother and I pretended we believed in Santa till I was 10 so that we could get extra presents…
Smart kids
My family & I don’t celebrate Christmas because of our religious beliefs, so I always knew Santa wasn’t real. The problem was keeping my mouth shut about it – I was very zealous to tell others about my beliefs, which my parents commended, but I remember my mom telling me it wasn’t nice to tell other kids the truth about Santa. I did a good job of respecting that, until about grade 4… I remember there was one girl who still adamantly believed in him, and I asked her questions about how could he possibly fit down a furnace chimney, etc. (She said they leave the door unlocked for him. I replied “You guys are gonna get robbed!!”) It bothered me that everyone’s parents lied to them!
Sorry for commenting on super old posts, haha working my way through the archives :p
(Quick correction: in the first panel it should be “logical”)
True, whoops.
I believed in Santa but only somewhat – I knew that there were gifts from my parents because my mother has a very specific left-handed writing style, and I was very into detective stuff… but the gifts at my grandma’s house (my uncle and his wife and her daughter lived upstairs from her in this big McMansion they owned) were MAGICAL because my uncle and his buddy would go up on the roof and stomp around and yell out HO HO HO and we’d all rush downstairs to “let Santa in” because he couldn’t come in if we were all sitting there! All of us would huddle and eat chocolates and then be called upstairs when the coast was clear and open a gift for Christmas eve, taking the rest home. It was pretty neat. It’s a shame my family turned out to be so f-ed up.
I thought I was so darn smart when I realised that Santa was really just my great-uncle in a costume. My cousin, who I told immediately, did not agree. Instead, she burst into tears and Complained about it to my mum.