Nah. Autism Speaks is actually a pretty terrible company. Most Autistic people really don’t like them since they do a lot of fear mongering and treating Autism like it’s a threat to society and something alien. It’s neither on those, it’s just a brain difference that isn’t going to kill anyone and most people with it can live normal lives.
I can understand disliking jigsaw puzzles since you can only get so far before they become trial and error.
Oh, jeez, right Margot?
Like, if I have a choice between doing a jigsaw puzzle, or just sitting in the dark and staring into the distance…time to start staring!
Puzzle’s are only nice, if it is the autism sign. Autism Awareness is needed.
Still though, any other puzzles stink, except word searches, if you consider those a type of puzzles.
Nah. Autism Speaks is actually a pretty terrible company. Most Autistic people really don’t like them since they do a lot of fear mongering and treating Autism like it’s a threat to society and something alien. It’s neither on those, it’s just a brain difference that isn’t going to kill anyone and most people with it can live normal lives.
I like jigsaw puzzles if I have two months of uninterrupted free time and a huge table to do it on. otherwise stay the heck away from me.
But did you get your high five? Seems she left you hanging. That’s not cool.