My wife did that once but it was just as the baby suckled and the sudden release of pressure from the nipple sent the baby flying across the room. Fortunately she landed in a laundry hamper. Of course she emerged with a bra on her head.
With your teeth grit and mouth closed, press your tongue firmly against the back of your teeth when you’re about to sneeze. It might help you not sneeze.
DONT HOLD IN SNEEZES (cw, gross reason ahead)!!!!! one time when [relative] was a kid, he held in a sneeze and an intestine got stuck between 2 muscles. not fun.
Nose you have betrayed me!
The babies look of wtf is amazing. O-O
This is really making me giggle. I remember those days of trying sneak out after nursing… and how little things could ruin your plans.
My wife did that once but it was just as the baby suckled and the sudden release of pressure from the nipple sent the baby flying across the room. Fortunately she landed in a laundry hamper. Of course she emerged with a bra on her head.
As soon as they’re asleep, for me, it was always the interminable itching.
Omg, that is the funniest thing I’ve heard in a while!
With your teeth grit and mouth closed, press your tongue firmly against the back of your teeth when you’re about to sneeze. It might help you not sneeze.
Press the side of your finger firmly under your nose, it was my only saving roll sometimes.
DONT HOLD IN SNEEZES (cw, gross reason ahead)!!!!! one time when [relative] was a kid, he held in a sneeze and an intestine got stuck between 2 muscles. not fun.