Hot Dog
The question is, was it my work that attracted people, or the hot dog?
This week will feature three strips from my short trip to Toronto! Stay tuned.
The question is, was it my work that attracted people, or the hot dog?
This week will feature three strips from my short trip to Toronto! Stay tuned.
Discussion (23) ¬
Hey did i smell a hotdog? oh hi sam didnt see your comic i was too enticed by the hotdog smell.
naw, jk, though id be attracted to ask where to get one, awkard moment there eating a hotdog.
also, BIG BOOBS STICK FIGURE ATTACKS AGAIN! make it canon. (why i always notice the big boobs????….)
You got a *convention center* hot dog? Those things are always overpriced and never all that tasty.
Tumbleweed was a nice touch, btw. :D
Hahaha, “I’m Batman, and I demand you tell the whereabouts of where you got that hotdog.”
I’m ill at the moment, and I ended up reading through the whole of Boumeries again. It made me feel quite a bit better!
Haha! I was hoping you’d notice again XD
Pierre-Luc was actually “feeding” me the whole weekend, and it was raining that day so he didn’t feel like leaving the center. I think two hot dogs and one soft drink cost something like $15. And it wasn’t very good.
I hope you feel better soon!
Best. Tumbleweed. Animation. EVAR!
( Moi je les aime les hot dogs, mais pas ceux dans le convention center à 15$. Faut sortir et prendre ceux des vendeurs sur le coin de rues! Ca coute 3 ou 4$!)
Ouais ben on le saura… XD
Oh, une boule de désert!!!
My theory: the visitors were a group of dentists (or dentistry students), and they were intentionally waiting until your mouth was full to walk up to your booth. You know, because they’re used to talk to people who have 4 tubes and some drill-sounding tool in their mouth, and they’re just more comfortable interacting with someone who sounds like “gnfhfngh fhgn”.
I also probably had mustard all the way up my nose.
and i will continue to notice them, you cant hide them from me! >:D (that didnt sound creepy at all)
Oh, that is one of these special effects like murphys law. I know this from the office. It’s all calm and nothing happens until I try to do some work that needs concentration or to eat a cookie or plan to go for lunch. Immediatly the phone rings and a potential customer has a complicated question. Ten minutes later we’re ready and now I have thirty seconds to fulfil my original plans until the phone rings again.
But you can be sure, they contact you because of your work. It can’t be the hotdog. How could they see the cookie through the phone in my case?
Hahaha! That proves it!
I remember this from my last convention…I cosplayed, nobody wantet a photo. But the second I tried to buy/eat something somebody asks me if he could have a photo >_> people are only interested in other people if they are able to bother them endlessly. I swear, it’s a complot!
think about it this way.
if you had the choice of a person OR a person WITH ICE CREAM, which would you want?
i rest my case (en francais!)
You win.
Ceux du ptit monsieur sympathique à côté de l’entrée du Bâton Rouge sont particulièrement réussis.
M’enfin, tu étais dans le North Building ou dans le South Building ( l’autre bord de la voie ferrée, loooooiin sous terre) ?
C’était dans le North Building, en face de CBC?