Giving Up
Another comic featuring Cab and her rather crappy PC version of Final Fantasy VII! New readers might want to read this comic first.
We ended up watching the ending movie by browsing the game CD, although we missed a good chunk of story that way (namely that one sequence after the credits).
Also: I did a little guest comic for Madéleine Flores as an exchange for this comic she did! Go check it out — and the rest of her awesome blog!
Vive la stabilité de la Playstation ;)
En effet! Mais j’ai dû attendre quelques années avant de l’avoir, celle-là…
1999…. hmmmm i wonder what i was doing that year, i was 9 years old… hmmmmmmmmm OH YEAH, that year i was getting some traumas thanks to Silent hill. very scary, and i´m a person hard to scare (when i was age 5 i loooooooooved to stay awake very late to watch X-files, i was excited while my mom was very very scared XD).
Tough kid!