Dead by Boum on February 9, 2018 at 12:01AM Chapter: Comic Strips Well, that was a bad idea. People of Shawinigan! I’ll be at Shawicon for the first time this weekend! See you tomorrow! └ Tags: everyday life, parenthood
Jeeze! Lets hope she learns to be a little more gentle in the future… that or learn to drop-kick or possibly elbow-drop you next time. Poor Boum…
My little one never really kicked me, but she climbs over me and walks all over my “dead” body. Sometimes she opens my eyes with her fingers and asks if I am awake already. If I say no, she asks why I am talking then.
That’s adorable tho!
Ouch. It looks like her foot made it a good couple of inches in.
You didn’t learn your lesson when Margot tried to smother you with a pillow?
Different kid, I still had hope?