No, no, don’t call child protection services just yet, Colonel’ll be just fine.
Montreal Comiccon was fun! Thanks to everyone who showed up at my booth to say hello or to encourage me. You guys are awesome!
No, no, don’t call child protection services just yet, Colonel’ll be just fine.
Montreal Comiccon was fun! Thanks to everyone who showed up at my booth to say hello or to encourage me. You guys are awesome!
You are gonna be the best parents ever! hahahaha
Awesome name XD s/he is so going to hate you when s/he grows up!
And so the legend begins…
I used to know someone with the first name of “Admiral”. Combined with his last name (which I won’t mention, for his privacy) his name sounded like something out of the “Pirates of Penzance”.
Hahaha, wow, that’s funny!
It’s okay Colonel, I didn’t have a choice on what my name is either. pwq
… Wait…
I’m imagining a baby with a magnificent handlebar mustache.
Colonel Cream Puff has a nice sound to it, but the kid may not have a good time of it in school.
J’ai eu un chat qui s’appelait Colonel Butterscotch… ça m’a fait penser à ça. :P
Le truc avec les noms de bébé, c’est donner des noms à référence ”nerd”, mais qui pourraient passer comme normaux. Genre, si t’as des quadruplés, tu les appelles : Léo, Raphael, Michael et Dominique. :P
I almost forgot about an AWESOME middle name for him/her: Waitforit! How I met your mother reference!
I use the same technique to name cats. So far I have Chicken, Pancakes, Waffles, French Toast, and Noodles. Oh, and Sir Danny.
If you’re in the mood for military-sounding names, “Major” is pretty legit.
Mine was supposed to be called Sharktopus. But we ended up choosing Antoine instead :P
Awww! Congratulations! :D
Awesome names!
Really??? Oo
Going with the military theme, I was thinking “Captain.” That way he/she can be called Cap or Cappie
(Don’t worry ;) )
Sharktopus is pretty badass.
So…what’s the middle name? XD
A handlebar moustache made out of cream puffs.