The first time my infant son beheld my husband’s nipples he bust into terrified tears. I couldn’t even comfort him because I was trying not to suffocate from laughing so hard. It took about six weeks for (man) nipples to stop being randomly terrifying.
I look forward to telling him this story in the distant future.
My poor husband has to sleep with a shirt on at night when we have a nursing baby. He’s had too many moments with a starving baby who rolled over next to the wrong parent. >_<
My little sister, whom I call Jej (dʒedʃ) is fascinated by mirrors. She would point at the mirror and say the name of whoever was in it. Such as “Baby! Bubbu!”
About 2 months ago, I think she became self aware of who that baby was in that mirror. She pointed at her reflection, and said “Ooh! Baby!” and then, with a look of surprise on her face she pointed at herself, and said in a questioning way,”I… Baby? I baby! BABYBABYBABYMAMA!”
It was so cute. Especially the incoherent baby-yelling that followed.
heh actually this ones weird but a friend of my moms cat had a litter of kittens and she had a baby at the same time and one kitten figured out moms worked the same so when cat mom wasn’t feeding shed go up and start trying to drink from human mom ….. the bad thing is kittens use their teeth to hold on … so she had to wear a bra do bed
HAHAHA il m’as bient fait rire celui ci :P
Holy crap thats hilarious!
(cant imagine what shell do if you tell her about whats ‘down there’)
Very cute! My toddler is doing the same thing with belly buttons. :)
The first time my infant son beheld my husband’s nipples he bust into terrified tears. I couldn’t even comfort him because I was trying not to suffocate from laughing so hard. It took about six weeks for (man) nipples to stop being randomly terrifying.
I look forward to telling him this story in the distant future.
I’m making this comic partly to hear my readers’ similar stories. This might be my new favourite one.
My poor husband has to sleep with a shirt on at night when we have a nursing baby. He’s had too many moments with a starving baby who rolled over next to the wrong parent. >_<
My little sister, whom I call Jej (dʒedʃ) is fascinated by mirrors. She would point at the mirror and say the name of whoever was in it. Such as “Baby! Bubbu!”
About 2 months ago, I think she became self aware of who that baby was in that mirror. She pointed at her reflection, and said “Ooh! Baby!” and then, with a look of surprise on her face she pointed at herself, and said in a questioning way,”I… Baby? I baby! BABYBABYBABYMAMA!”
It was so cute. Especially the incoherent baby-yelling that followed.
My nephew liked to check for belly buttons and nipples. And they he belly flops on the exposed torso. Funniest thing in the world for him. O_o
Hah omg my cousin did that and my uncle couldn’t stop laughing. I couldn’t figure out why…
heh actually this ones weird but a friend of my moms cat had a litter of kittens and she had a baby at the same time and one kitten figured out moms worked the same so when cat mom wasn’t feeding shed go up and start trying to drink from human mom ….. the bad thing is kittens use their teeth to hold on … so she had to wear a bra do bed