Some people have difficulty looking at a person’s face while trying to judge their age, and instead go by random details of clothes and so on. All it takes is for a person to wear one item that such a person considers “granny-generation” and it throws them off. They also often have difficulty recognising people, especially when they change clothing.
While this is a common autistic trait, many people with this incapacity are NOT autistic! It seems to be a dysfunction of the visual centres rather than a general brain dysfunction.
* goes away and tries to remember the name of this condition *
I feel your pain. I got my first wrinkle at 14. (Right across my forehead. Augh) and I recently had my 50 yr old friend tell me I have more wrinkles than her. *sighs* I’m 30.
I sort of have the opposite problem. I actually have grand kids from my older step children and the looks I get sometimes when the boys call me nanny. I am 35 and my husband is 45 so we have 2 grandsons 6 and 5 and a granddaughter who is almost a year old. lol people don’t believe we have grandkids.
Discussion (11) ¬
Aww lol why do people always think youre old?!
Maybe I should consider plastic surgery ;_:
Why do people always feel the need to say stupid things like that? T_T
You don’t look old, WTF.
How dare he forget about that pro tip: when in doubt, don’t even ask.
He can expect agents of the BROtherhood on his home to remove his man card.
On a serious note, you don’t even look old at all, I question the reasoning he went through to come to that conclusion.
Some people have difficulty looking at a person’s face while trying to judge their age, and instead go by random details of clothes and so on. All it takes is for a person to wear one item that such a person considers “granny-generation” and it throws them off. They also often have difficulty recognising people, especially when they change clothing.
While this is a common autistic trait, many people with this incapacity are NOT autistic! It seems to be a dysfunction of the visual centres rather than a general brain dysfunction.
* goes away and tries to remember the name of this condition *
I usually get ‘they are all yours??’, but I have five.
I actually have this problem, although I typically see older people as younger and younger people as older.
I don’t think you look old though
I feel your pain. I got my first wrinkle at 14. (Right across my forehead. Augh) and I recently had my 50 yr old friend tell me I have more wrinkles than her. *sighs* I’m 30.
I sort of have the opposite problem. I actually have grand kids from my older step children and the looks I get sometimes when the boys call me nanny. I am 35 and my husband is 45 so we have 2 grandsons 6 and 5 and a granddaughter who is almost a year old. lol people don’t believe we have grandkids.