Transman here, and I never did it prior to or after transitioning. But I doubt you’re alone! (Well, at least one other person also does it according to the comments!)
Haha, my body likes to do this thing where it doesn’t tell me I need to poop till I need to go RIGHT NOW, so most of the time I have to poop too badly to wait for a noise. But if I’m constipated or my body is otherwise not trying to shove my poop out of me RIGHT THIS SECOND, and there’s people around…. yeah, I’ll wait for a noise or to be alone.
Honestly, I just try to avoid public bathrooms, specifically going number 2, at all costs. When I did need to go while at work, I always went to this specific bathroom that was out of the way because it only had 1 toilet and was usually overlooked by customers.
I’d love to do that but this mostly happens during conventions, where I work insane hours in the same area three days in a row, eating crappy fast food. Poop just happens.
I’ve been inspired by this one woman I encountered at a campground bathroom. She waltzed out with a big cheerful smile after making some of the loudest, rudest pooping noises I’d ever heard. Got to have the right attitude!
Erm…no? If I gotta go, I go! lol
You might like the toilets in Japan.
Also, from a guy perspective of public restrooms, no, no one does this.
Not everybody, apparently, but you are not alone either lol.
Transman here, and I never did it prior to or after transitioning. But I doubt you’re alone! (Well, at least one other person also does it according to the comments!)
I’m with you, although I’m as likely to get a bit bunged up trying to avoid it – not that you can avoid it at cons and similar events :{
Yeah, it’s mostly a con thing for me.
Good for you!
Then maybe it’s a girl thing. Guys in stalls — it’s obvious why they’re there for. Not girls!
Absolutely! I definitely do this.
Yeah, I usually do it, when there’s only one or two stalls and it’s easier to identify the one making the sounds… Sometimes I decide not to care.
Me? Hell no, I sit there singing songs about contaminating the town water supply (and then realize there’s someone else in there).
True story. Thank God they walked out before I was finished.
Don’t! You’ll get hemorrhoids!
The eternal struggle of those with guts like a goat’s.
>plink plunk plonk plink SHIT SOMEONE’S COMING I must… be strong…
Is it already that time of year again?
well, “decent” people do. The rest, ugh – gross!
Haha, my body likes to do this thing where it doesn’t tell me I need to poop till I need to go RIGHT NOW, so most of the time I have to poop too badly to wait for a noise. But if I’m constipated or my body is otherwise not trying to shove my poop out of me RIGHT THIS SECOND, and there’s people around…. yeah, I’ll wait for a noise or to be alone.
Just walk in like an orchestral conductor and let the symphony begin,
Honestly, I just try to avoid public bathrooms, specifically going number 2, at all costs. When I did need to go while at work, I always went to this specific bathroom that was out of the way because it only had 1 toilet and was usually overlooked by customers.
I’d love to do that but this mostly happens during conventions, where I work insane hours in the same area three days in a row, eating crappy fast food. Poop just happens.
I’ve been inspired by this one woman I encountered at a campground bathroom. She waltzed out with a big cheerful smile after making some of the loudest, rudest pooping noises I’d ever heard. Got to have the right attitude!
Nah I’m usually too busy pooping to worry about that. Anyway, they can’t PROVE it was me
I do this often, too. Other times I’ll flush while pooping the minimize sound and stink. A risk of toilet water splashing on the butt tho.
The reason he thinks no guys do this is because, as your comic clearly illustrates, the guys who do it are *stealthy*.