I just spent a night and a half reading through the archives and you’ve made a new fan! I can’t pick a favorite thing—I love everything about your comics.
It’s possible! But she was pretty young so I figured she probably found stress balls for sale somewhere in the fair earlier, and now she was desperate to find them again to spend whatever money she had left.
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I just spent a night and a half reading through the archives and you’ve made a new fan! I can’t pick a favorite thing—I love everything about your comics.
Thank you so much!!
You must appease your customers! No more writing comic books, now you must become a stress ball salesperson!
In all honesty though, it may have been she was having an anxiety attack and forgot her stress balls to keep her calm. Similar to a security blanket.
It’s possible! But she was pretty young so I figured she probably found stress balls for sale somewhere in the fair earlier, and now she was desperate to find them again to spend whatever money she had left.