Yeah this seems odd. But with our kids most of the time it was, “This is my favourite toy. Isn’t it awesome? I love it so much and just wanted to show it to you. No, you can’t play with it.” Result: confusion on both sides. Then if one gets upset the parents come in and it’s confusion on ALL sides. But the key that the younger child and the parent(s) don’t understand is the older child just wanted to SHOW the toy, the same way you would show a picture you’d drawn or show off your new rain boots or whatever.
Then of course there are the times when the older child wants to TAUNT the younger, and then it’s WW3.
You can look but you cannot touch!
Because sisters.
I did this to my younger sister too.
I would offer her a toy, then pull it away, soothe her when she started crying… lather, rinse, repeat.
It was awful, and I don’t know why I did it!!
haha what
Yeah this seems odd. But with our kids most of the time it was, “This is my favourite toy. Isn’t it awesome? I love it so much and just wanted to show it to you. No, you can’t play with it.” Result: confusion on both sides. Then if one gets upset the parents come in and it’s confusion on ALL sides. But the key that the younger child and the parent(s) don’t understand is the older child just wanted to SHOW the toy, the same way you would show a picture you’d drawn or show off your new rain boots or whatever.
Then of course there are the times when the older child wants to TAUNT the younger, and then it’s WW3.
Pretty sure Margot is taunting SOMETIMES. ;)